Bioresonance: Discover the Power of Natural Healing
Bioresonance involves the use of a special device that detects electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. This device identifies deviations from normal frequencies, diagnoses infections, parasites, viruses and fungi, making it possible to accurately diagnose and identify the causes of health problems. By correcting abnormal frequencies, bioresonance helps restore energy balance and promotes natural healing through Metatherapy
Bioresonance procedure
What Bioresonance Involves:
Bioresonance involves the use of a special device that detects electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. By identifying abnormal frequencies and correcting them, bioresonance helps restore energy balance and promote natural healing.
Bioresonance procedure
Discover the main steps of this procedure:
birezonanta magnetica
Descoperă principalii pași ai aceste-i proceduri:
Bioresonance begins by detecting electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. A special device analyzes these frequencies to identify energy imbalances that may indicate various conditions or health problems.
Step 2: Correcting Imbalances
Bioresonance begins by detecting electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. A special device analyzes these frequencies to identify energy imbalances that may indicate various conditions or health problems.
biorezonanta magnetica
conultatii medicale
Step 3: Monitoring and Evaluation
After the imbalances are corrected, the patient's condition is monitored to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Additional sessions may be recommended depending on the patient's individual response and the complexity of the condition being treated.
Discover how bioresonance can transform your health! Request a consultation now for a more balanced lifestyle.
Modern Diagnostic Method

Bioresonance allows the recording of organ parameters and the assessment of health status in a very short time, with a diagnostic accuracy between 90-95%.

Detection of causes: Digestive, dermatological, circulatory, renal problems

Endocrine, gynecological, mental disorders

Migraines, depression, insomnia

Test Duration: Approximately 35 minutes, providing information on:

Immunity (humoral, cellular, autoimmune reactions)

Allergies, sensitivities, intolerances

The presence of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites)

Negative energies, hereditary factors

Deficiencies of minerals and vitamins

Internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, stomach)

Spine, hormonal dysfunctions

Neuro-endocrine balance, toxins and degenerative risks

Consultation: At the end of the bioresonance test, you receive personalized treatment recommendations.

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Discover How Bioresonance Can Improve Your Health
Stress Management
Bioresonance helps reduce stress and anxiety by restoring energy balance, promoting a state of calm and relaxation.
Improving Digestion
The therapy can correct energy imbalances affecting the digestive system, relieving problems such as bloating and abdominal discomfort.
Natural Detoxification
Bioresonance stimulates the body's natural detoxification processes, eliminating toxins and supporting liver and kidney health.
Increase Immunity
By optimizing energy frequencies, bioresonance strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent disease and infection.
Pain Relief
Bioresonance therapy can reduce chronic pain and inflammation, providing a non-invasive solution to pain management.
Energy and Vitality
By restoring energy balance, bioresonance improves overall energy and vitality levels, helping you feel better and more active.
Modern Computerized Body Testing
The most advanced method of computerized body testing, performed by a doctor within an hour, checks the functioning of each system and organ.

Analize incluse:
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Cerebrovascular system
  • Gastrointestinal system
  • Hepatic system
  • Renal system
  • Pulmonary system
  • Endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pineal, etc.), mammary glands, gynecological/prostate, allergies/intolerances
  • Deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzymes
Bioresonance allows to identify:
  • The causes of various pathologies
  • Infections, parasites, viruses, cysts, fungi
  • Substance deficiencies (calcium, iodine, zinc, iron)
  • Causes of extra pounds
  • Causes of skin problems
Free consultation with recommendations is provided. Testing requires prior appointment.

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Organism Investigation and Analysis Device
This device allows detailed examination and analysis of all organs and tissues, down to the cellular level, to identify their structure and health. It can also detect the presence of microorganisms, including:
  • Bacteria
  • virus
  • fungous
  • helminth
This type of detailed investigation helps in the early and accurate diagnosis of various conditions and in monitoring the general health of the patient.
How magnetic bioresonance helps according to organ systems in detail
Nervous system:
Magnetic bioresonance can help reduce stress and anxiety, thereby improving sleep quality and overall well-being. Magnetic stimulation can regulate neural activity, contributing to emotional and mental balance.
Digestive system:
The therapy can relieve digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis. Bioresonance helps regulate intestinal motility and balance intestinal flora, reducing inflammation and abdominal discomfort.
Musculoskeletal System:
Bioresonance can help reduce muscle and joint pain, as well as speed up the healing of affected tissues. It is used in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and post-traumatic recovery.
Cardiovascular System:
The therapy can improve blood circulation and heart health, reducing the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions. Bioresonance helps to detoxify the blood and improve the elasticity of blood vessels.
Immune system:
Bioresonance stimulates immune function, helping the body to fight infections and diseases more effectively. It can help prevent and treat allergies, autoimmune diseases and increase the body's overall resistance.
Renal System:
The therapy helps to detoxify the kidneys and improve kidney function. It can prevent the formation of kidney stones and improve conditions such as urinary tract infections and chronic kidney failure.

Olga Costru - Ciutac

Expert in Bioresonance/Nutritionist Technician
Magnetic bioresonance is an advanced method of health assessment and optimization. By using electromagnetic frequencies, we can detect and correct energy imbalances in the body, thus contributing to the prevention and treatment of various ailments. This technology allows us to provide patients with personalized solutions to improve their well-being and maintain their long-term health.
Prices and Special Packages
Explore our options and choose the package that suits you best.
Quantum Analyzer Organism Testing
lei MD
Metahunter Organism Testing
lei MD
Testing for the Whole Family
Quantum Analyzer & Metahunter
Quantum Analyzer & Metahunter
Quantum Analyzer & Metahunter
Reviews & Customers
We prefer feedback to come directly from our customers. We invite you to read the opinions of those who have benefited from our services and discover their experiences.
  • Maria, 52 years old
    Frequent migraines
    My name is Maria, I am 52 years old, and I suffered from frequent migraines. After a few bioresonance sessions, the headaches subsided considerably and now I can enjoy life without discomfort.
  • Andrei, 45 years old
    Probleme digestive
    My name is Andrei, I am 45 years old, and I had severe digestive problems. Bioresonance helped me regulate my digestive system. Now I feel much better and have improved general health.
  • Elena, 34 years old
    Severe allergic reactions
    My name is Elena, I am 34 years old, and I had persistent allergies. Bioresonance helped me strengthen my immune system. Allergy symptoms have reduced and I feel much better.
We are here for you! Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or additional information
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