Bioresonance allows the recording of organ parameters and the assessment of health status in a very short time, with a diagnostic accuracy between 90-95%.
Detection of causes: Digestive, dermatological, circulatory, renal problems
Endocrine, gynecological, mental disorders
Migraines, depression, insomnia
Test Duration: Approximately 35 minutes, providing information on:
Immunity (humoral, cellular, autoimmune reactions)
Allergies, sensitivities, intolerances
The presence of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites)
Negative energies, hereditary factors
Deficiencies of minerals and vitamins
Internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, stomach)
Spine, hormonal dysfunctions
Neuro-endocrine balance, toxins and degenerative risks
Consultation: At the end of the bioresonance test, you receive personalized treatment recommendations.
Olga Costru - Ciutac