for an effective cleansing of the body, a product is needed that provides 100% results, without disturbing the usual lifestyle - Colo-Vada Plus. This product helps to reduce weight, rejuvenate by at least 5 years, eliminate toxins and restore the gastrointestinal tract.
The program is designed for 14 days and includes three stages: preparation, cleaning and recovery. It does not create discomfort and is very convenient for the usual lifestyle. Simple and effective.
The set includes 9 products:Ultimate Max- Benefits: Complex of vitamins and minerals that improves the function of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system thanks to B vitamins. Supports the cardiovascular system with selenium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, E and B. Improves the function of the respiratory system with selenium and zinc. Improves the function of the circulatory system with iron, selenium, vitamins A and E. Improves the function of the digestive system with chamomile, rose hip, selenium, vitamins A, B and E. Supports the function of the endocrine system with iodine, chromium and zinc. Supports kidney and skin function through licorice and cranberry leaves. Restores immunity through zinc, selenium, iodine and vitamin C.
Cascara Sagrada- Benefits: Mild herbal laxative that improves intestinal peristalsis and helps form a regular, soft stool.
Coral Black WalnutBenefits: Broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antifungal, effective against herpes, acute respiratory infections and lung inflammation. It blocks Helicobacter and is effective in gynecological diseases. It reduces the risk of cancer and protects against cataracts.
Plant Set 2Benefits: Combination of burdock root, garlic, red clover, ginger root, thistle seed, sage root and raspberry leaf, which stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function and accelerates the elimination of toxins.
Liposomal Vitamin C- Benefits: Strong antioxidant that protects the body from the negative effects of the environment. Supports the function of immune cells (phagocytes, T and B lymphocytes). It normalizes the function of the cardiovascular system, prevents infectious diseases and maintains the health of the gums, teeth and skin.
Coral Alfalfa- Benefits: Excellent diuretic that helps with urinary system problems. It is a rich source of vitamins A, K, E, D, minerals (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine) and amino acids. It restores the condition of the blood, reduces the level of cholesterol and blood pressure, prevents hemorrhages and bleeding. Effective in gastric ulcer, increases lactation during breastfeeding, effective in arthrosis, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.
DigestAble- Benefits: Balanced complex of 12 digestive enzymes that help better breakdown and absorption of nutrients.
Super Flora- Benefits: Combination of probiotics and prebiotic inulin. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, restores the intestinal microflora, improves the function of the bone marrow, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, the synthesis of B vitamins and the absorption of minerals.
Kolo-Vada Mix powder- Benefits: Source of soluble and insoluble fiber for effective bowel cleansing.