Effective and Natural Detoxification of the Intestine with ProHealthLife Programs
Discover how ProHealthLife detox programs like Colo-Vada Plus and Colo-Vada Light can effectively cleanse the body of toxins and waste. These programs are designed to easily integrate into your lifestyle and improve digestive function and overall health.

Read genuine reviews and learn how these natural solutions can significantly benefit your health. Order now and begin your journey to a cleaner, revitalized body!
Comandă acum programele de curățare de la ProHealthLife și menține-ți sănătatea și vitalitatea pe termen lung!
Coral Detox: Program for the Elimination of Toxins from the Body
The human body is a self-cleaning system. The main role in this process is played by the digestive tract, liver, kidneys and skin. Everything that enters the body is partially absorbed into the blood, and the rest is eliminated through the intestines naturally. Absorbed substances are transported to the liver for deep processing, detoxification and elimination from the body. Water-soluble substances pass through the kidneys, where they are deeply filtered.
As we age, waste products of metabolism accumulate in the body. In large quantities, they begin to cause putrefaction processes, creating a favorable environment for microorganisms, some of which are pathogenic. This leads to disease and premature aging.
There are multiple methods of colon cleansing.

ProHealthLife offers several programs that help not only to clean the intestine of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, but also to restore the beneficial microflora. These sets are necessary not only for solving health problems, but also for their prevention, being useful for healthy people as well.
Colo-Vada Plus: The Complete Program for Detoxifying the Body
for an effective cleansing of the body, a product is needed that provides 100% results, without disturbing the usual lifestyle - Colo-Vada Plus. This product helps to reduce weight, rejuvenate by at least 5 years, eliminate toxins and restore the gastrointestinal tract.
The program is designed for 14 days and includes three stages: preparation, cleaning and recovery. It does not create discomfort and is very convenient for the usual lifestyle. Simple and effective.

The set includes 9 products:
Ultimate Max
  • Benefits: Complex of vitamins and minerals that improves the function of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system thanks to B vitamins. Supports the cardiovascular system with selenium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, E and B. Improves the function of the respiratory system with selenium and zinc. Improves the function of the circulatory system with iron, selenium, vitamins A and E. Improves the function of the digestive system with chamomile, rose hip, selenium, vitamins A, B and E. Supports the function of the endocrine system with iodine, chromium and zinc. Supports kidney and skin function through licorice and cranberry leaves. Restores immunity through zinc, selenium, iodine and vitamin C.
Cascara Sagrada
  • Benefits: Mild herbal laxative that improves intestinal peristalsis and helps form a regular, soft stool.
Coral Black Walnut
Benefits: Broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antifungal, effective against herpes, acute respiratory infections and lung inflammation. It blocks Helicobacter and is effective in gynecological diseases. It reduces the risk of cancer and protects against cataracts.
Plant Set 2
Benefits: Combination of burdock root, garlic, red clover, ginger root, thistle seed, sage root and raspberry leaf, which stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function and accelerates the elimination of toxins.
Liposomal Vitamin C
  • Benefits: Strong antioxidant that protects the body from the negative effects of the environment. Supports the function of immune cells (phagocytes, T and B lymphocytes). It normalizes the function of the cardiovascular system, prevents infectious diseases and maintains the health of the gums, teeth and skin.
Coral Alfalfa
  • Benefits: Excellent diuretic that helps with urinary system problems. It is a rich source of vitamins A, K, E, D, minerals (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine) and amino acids. It restores the condition of the blood, reduces the level of cholesterol and blood pressure, prevents hemorrhages and bleeding. Effective in gastric ulcer, increases lactation during breastfeeding, effective in arthrosis, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.
  • Benefits: Balanced complex of 12 digestive enzymes that help better breakdown and absorption of nutrients.
Super Flora
  • Benefits: Combination of probiotics and prebiotic inulin. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, restores the intestinal microflora, improves the function of the bone marrow, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, the synthesis of B vitamins and the absorption of minerals.
Kolo-Vada Mix powder
  • Benefits: Source of soluble and insoluble fiber for effective bowel cleansing.
colo vada plus produs
Order now Colo-Vada Plus from ProHealthLife and start your journey to a clean and revitalized body!
Direct link to the official partner in Moldova
Colo-Vada Light: The Detox Program for an Active Lifestyle
Colo-Vada Light is a program created by the well-known nutritionist Albert Zehr, which easily integrates into the usual lifestyle and does not require severe dietary restrictions. This program activates natural detoxification and contributes to normalizing the function of the digestive system.

The set includes 5 products:

Di-Tox I, Di-Tox II
Benefits: Plant phytonutrient complexes with anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic action. It ensures detoxification of the body, improves the function of the liver and the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits: A rich source of dietary fiber. It nourishes the intestinal microflora, helps to eliminate toxins and metabolic products.

Light Mix
Benefits: A mixture of vegetable fibers that gently cleans the intestinal walls, improving its motility. Absorbs and removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Super Flora
Benefits: Combination of probiotics and prebiotic inulin. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, restores the intestinal microflora, improves the function of the bone marrow, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It helps the synthesis of B vitamins and the absorption of minerals, protects the organs of the reproductive system and increases the activity of lymphocytes.

Benefits: A complex of plant enzymes in combination with vitamins A and D, which improves the absorption of nutrients, reduces gastric and intestinal discomfort, improves digestion and supports the function of the pancreas. Contains liver lipases.

Order Colo-Vada Light from ProHealthLife now and start your journey to natural detoxification and a healthy digestive system!
Colo-Vada Green: Detoxification and Metabolic Optimization Program
The Colo-Vada Green complex program is a 14-day phased detoxification and metabolism optimization. Unlike the previous two programs, the second stage of the cleanse includes two shakes. This combination ensures a smoother transition through the program and improves results.

The set includes 9 products:
Ultimate Max
Benefits: Vitamin and mineral complex that improves the functioning of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system thanks to B vitamins. Supports the cardiovascular system through selenium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins A, E and B. Improves the functioning of the respiratory system through selenium and zinc. Supports the circulatory system with iron, selenium and vitamins A and E. Improves digestive function with chamomile, rose hip, selenium and vitamins A, B and E. Supports the endocrine system with iodine, chromium and zinc. Supports kidney and skin function through licorice and cranberry leaves. Restores immunity through zinc, selenium, iodine and vitamin C.

Liposomal Vitamin C
Benefits: A powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the negative effects of the environment. Supports the function of immune cells (phagocytes, T and B lymphocytes). It normalizes the function of the cardiovascular system, prevents infectious diseases and maintains the health of the gums, teeth and skin.

Benefits: Balanced complex of 12 digestive enzymes that help better breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

Cascara Sagrada
Benefits: Mild herbal laxative that improves intestinal peristalsis and helps form a regular, soft stool.

Coral Black Walnut
Benefits: Broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antifungal, effective against herpes, acute respiratory infections and lung inflammation. It blocks Helicobacter and is effective in gynecological diseases. It reduces the risk of cancer and protects against cataracts.

Coral Alfalfa
Benefits: An excellent diuretic that helps with urinary system problems. It is a rich source of vitamins A, K, E, D, minerals (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine) and amino acids. It restores the condition of the blood, reduces the level of cholesterol and blood pressure, prevents hemorrhages and bleeding. Effective in gastric ulcer, increases lactation during breastfeeding, effective in arthrosis, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.

Plant Set 2
Benefits: Combination of burdock root, garlic, red clover, ginger root, thistle seed, sage root and raspberry leaf, which stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Colo-Vada Mix and Light Mix powder
Benefits: Sources of insoluble and soluble fiber from plantain seeds, flax seeds, prunes and other fruits, vegetables and berries. It helps to clean the intestines and regulate the stool.

Super Flora
Benefits: Combination of probiotics and prebiotic inulin. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, restores the intestinal microflora, improves the function of the bone marrow, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It helps the synthesis of B vitamins and the absorption of minerals, protects the organs of the reproductive system and increases the activity of lymphocytes.
Order now Colo-Vada Green from ProHealthLife and start your journey to a clean body and optimized metabolism!
Target Program: Healthy Gut
The Targeted Program: Healthy Gut restores gut function, strengthens immunity, improves nutrient absorption and optimizes metabolism.
Unlike the previously mentioned programs, the Targeted Program: Healthy Gut set is designed for 30 days of cleansing. It is suitable for people with diabetes and for children from 14 years of age, as it does not require a strict diet.

The set includes 17 products:
  • Benefits: A powerful natural antioxidant. The nutrients in the composition increase performance, support the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improve brain function and prevent atherosclerosis. Restores thyroid function and hormonal balance, improves circulation in cerebral vessels.
  • Benefits: Plant enzyme complex combined with vitamins A and D, which improves nutrient absorption, reduces gastric and intestinal discomfort, improves digestion and supports pancreatic function. Contains liver lipases.
  • Benefits: Source of curcuma, helps to normalize liver and gall bladder function, reducing gastrointestinal discomfort.
Cascara Sagrada
  • Benefits: Mild herbal laxative that improves intestinal peristalsis and helps form a regular, soft stool.
Coral Artichoke
  • Benefits: Plant hepatoprotector that lowers "bad" cholesterol and urea in the blood. Recommended for smokers and drinkers. It provides protein, vitamins A, C, group B and minerals. Improves liver function and metabolism, eliminating toxins and excess fluids.
Coral Burdock Root
  • Benefits: Contains burdock root and extract. Cleanses the body, used in broncho-pulmonary diseases, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxins and purifies the blood. It regulates metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels and improves liver function. Used in diabetes, gout, rheumatism, gastritis, ulcer and kidney stones.
Coral Carnitine
  • Benefits: Helps restore energy reserves, increases endurance and performance. Improves lipid metabolism and maintains normal weight.
Coral Lecithin
  • Benefits: Essential for the structural restoration of liver, brain and cardiovascular system cells. Lecithin accelerates the regeneration of liver tissues affected by toxins from drugs, viruses, alcohol and nicotine. It reduces eye fatigue, improves memory and lowers "bad" cholesterol.
Coral Alfalfa
  • Benefits: Excellent diuretic that helps with urinary system problems. Rich source of vitamins A, K, E, D, minerals (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine) and amino acids. It reduces cholesterol, blood pressure and prevents bleeding.
Coral Magnesium
  • Benefits: Regulates heart rate and muscle tone. It calms the nervous system, improves coronary flow, prevents cholesterol plaques, relaxes intestinal muscles and improves stool.
Coral Taurine
  • Benefits: Amino acid that regulates all body systems, activates the brain, improves memory, fights depression and "bad" cholesterol. Regulates metabolism and protects joints. Beneficial in diabetes, autism, hepatitis and epilepsy.
Coral Black Walnut
  • Benefits: Broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antifungal, effective against herpes and acute respiratory infections. Blocks Helicobacter and reduces the risk of cancer.
O!Mega-3 TG
  • Benefits: Increases the body's resistance to disease, strengthens immunity, prevents atherosclerosis and diabetes, improves cerebral circulation and regulates cell metabolism.
  • Benefits: Vegetable enzyme that facilitates digestion and absorption of food, eliminates nausea and bloating. Heals the gastrointestinal mucosa and reduces inflammation.
  • Benefits: Rich source of dietary fiber that nourishes intestinal microflora and helps eliminate toxins.
Super Flora
  • Benefits: Combination of probiotics and prebiotic inulin. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria, restores intestinal microflora and improves kidney and gastrointestinal tract function.
  • Benefits: Mineral composition that changes water properties, acid-alkaline balance (pH) and makes water beneficial for the body


The intestine - the unknown hero of the body. As crucial as the brain, the gut influences a multitude of vital functions, including emotional state, skin appearance and energy levels.

By using the programs mentioned above, you will experience an increase in energy and work capacity, lose weight, adopt healthier eating habits, reduce various allergic reactions and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Recommendations from ProHealthLife

During any colon cleansing program, it is essential to maintain an adequate hydration regimen, consuming at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
Food preference should be given to vegetable soups. Eat a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Include in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented dairy products, and prepare food by steaming, sautéing or baking.

Avoid simple carbohydrates (cakes, cookies, rolls, ice cream, jam, etc.), salty, smoked and dry foods, strong black tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages. To make menu creation easier, the Colo-Vada Plus, Colo-Vada Light and Colo-Vada Green programs include a recipe book with simple but tasty and healthy dishes.

The Colo-Vada Plus program should not be followed during acute conditions (influenza, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, open gastric or duodenal ulcers, severe cardiovascular pathologies) nor by people with gallstones. Before starting this program, it is recommended to turn the stones into sand during 2-6 months using the Coral Detox or Coral Detox Plus programs.
Before starting the Colo-Vada Light or Colo-Vada Green programs, people with thyroid problems should consult an endocrinologist.
For support and advice during cleansing programs, we offer specialist health chats and personalized support. To join the health group and receive individual consultation, please contact the personal consultant on our website
What are our customers saying about their experience?
  • I followed the Colo-Vada Light program and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to integrate it into my daily routine. I didn't need severe dietary restrictions and still felt a significant improvement in digestion and energy levels. I highly recommend!
    Elena, 34 years old
  • Colo-Vada Light was exactly what I needed to support my natural detoxification process. I felt a mental clarity and a lightness in my body that I hadn't experienced in a long time. It is an effective and easy to follow program!
    Radu, 42 years old
  • My digestive issues have always been a challenge, but Colo-Vada Light has worked wonders. I noticed a reduction in gastric discomfort and an overall improvement in digestive function. It is a fantastic product and I will continue to use it.
    John, 50 years old
  • After trying various detox methods, I finally found the perfect solution in Colo-Vada Light. The program is simple and does not require drastic changes in diet, but the results are amazing. I feel revitalized and full of energy.
    Anna, 28 years old
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